Anatomy of an album - musical dissection
Semi-meaningful blurb on trying to understand the entrails of this record and how it was put together.
Anatomy album traks - mini-preview
30/40secs blasts of lo-fi MP3s of some album traks.
Anatomy of an album - artwork dissection
by sister monteiro
Some over-emotional, inarticulate, OTT blurb on trying to decode the artwork and find meaning in a poncho.

Olá. Aqui é o Marcio do Brasil. Can´t believe that the album is ready!! Please, let us know when it will be released. Of course it will take ages to be released here, but we have the internet to buy it. And also the singles. Will there be singles in vynil and CD? 7" or 12"?
Oh my, my credit card will melt! rsrsrs
Ah, you said a singelo album? It´s better "estonteante!! Grande beijo!
Wow! It feels like being a small child on Christmas Eve, seeing all the decorations on the tree and all the preparations being made, and knowing that something magical is almost here but is just tantalisingly out of reach. The anticipation is almost unbearable, but that just makes it even more enjoyable.
Can't wait to get hold of that little silver disk and pop it into the player and sit back and go to that happy place. As long as I'm not driving at the time!
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