Friday, 4 February 2011

Day whatever - Message from your leader - 1
Into week 2 of the sessions.
Had another great fan-visit day, Jason from Canada - recorded mad sounds, laughed, did photoshoot, signed mini-cowboy boots, ate chips, drank litres of baileys for the laydies, slept happy.
photo by andy willsher

Yesterday, as the 1st of the winter sun came out, planner was abandoned in favour of walk in the woods.
All in good spirits.


Lex said...

Great you guys had a lovely day! :)
Love the picture, can't wait to see more of the photoshoot!

Wish I could sit in the sun here too, but a bit too muddy at the moment... ;) Great to hear your memories of this first interview.

Lex xxx

Jaf said...

"just beans .... and brandy".

Surely there's a song in there somewhere! :-)

Nice video diary

isabel monteiro said...

Just got to the studio and was met by a fan, who, having read about the tragedy of band running out of emergency recording supplies(vino etc) - he turned up w/ flowers, beer, bttls of wine and the brightest smile.
sweet dream are indeed made of this.

Nick Raybould said...

I love these updates! Please kep doing them for ever!